Wednesday 18 August 2010

Borth Beach

Just a few lanscape shots..with a very dramatic change in weather!

Sunday 15 August 2010

Man Vs. Machine

This shoot was a by product of another early uni project where I used a set of macro photo's of circuit boards as studies for a series of wood carved prints with which I lined a room with the repetative patterns to create an installation piece.
Ive always wanted to do some portraits using projections over the body, I felt circuit boards were a interesting subject as they comment on the make up of the human body and the world we live in today. I ended up prefering these to my original project!


At least thats what i'm gonna call it! This was just a mess about but it has a really surreal feel to it. A long time ago I made some portraits in this way too (I'l post when I find them again!) Putting this here as a reminder to expand on this a bit!

Darkroom Tests

I love being in the darkroom! Continuing with the theme of manual editing I decided to add another depth to my images by caturing the new textures I had created with the chemicals into the layers of photographic paper. Re-printing my images and editing them physically using darkroom techniques.

Hand Edits

This set of images is from a first year uni project of mine based on manual manipluation of images, NO editing software allowed!

I wanted the images to undergo a change of status, from a generic 6x4 print to a piece of Fine Art Photography.

The images above show the effect of heat on my images..
I love textures created but wanted a methid more in my control..
Bring on the chemicals!

(Ok..chemical overload..however I did learn early on in my experimentation it is possible to make some beautiful image transfers using this technique, as shown in the piece below..)

Applying different chemicals in various ways..


The piece above shows how it is possible to mask areas of the print to retain original detail..this is something I wish to pursue in time..